The Woman Next Door

What is an example of irony in the novel, The Woman Next Door?


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The Samsodien land claim targets land that was confiscated from blacks by many whites in South Africa. Ironically, in an effort to make things right for the past, the state is now confiscating privately-owned, or granting state-owned land, as reparation for the past. The land the Samsodiens are claiming was legally sold to the Von Struickers at auction, and demonstrates a reverse situation regarding the confiscation of land. Ultimately, the state gives - and the Samsodiens accept - land that is part of the Koppie. in an effort to make things right for the past, the state is confiscating privately-owned, or granting state-owned land, as reparation for the past. The land the Samsodiens are claiming was legally sold to the Von Struickers at auction, and demonstrates a reverse situation regarding the confiscation of land. Ultimately, the state gives - and the Samsodiens accept - land that is part of the Koppie.


The Woman Next Door