The Wolves: A Play

What is the point of view in The Wolves: A Play?


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The play’s central perspective is not centered around the actions, experiences, or transformational journey of a single character; in other words, there is no protagonist, and no single narrative point of view. Instead, the play is what is commonly referred to as an “ensemble” piece, in which the focus is on the actions, interactions, and experiences of a group of characters – in this case, the Wolves’ soccer team. The play follows these nine characters throughout the play, with almost all of them receiving close to the same amount of attention. Some take more focus than others, simply because of who they are and what their situations are; within the ensemble, #14, #7, and #46 take degrees of increased focus because their individual identities and journeys are somewhat more significant than those of the others, while #25 takes a degree of additional narrative attention because she is team captain. Overall, though, and as referenced in “Characters”, the primary focus is on the team, rather than on any individual within it.


The Wolves: A Play, BookRags