The Wolves: A Play

How does the playwright structure The Wolves: A Play?


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The play’s story unfolds in a series of six scenes, five of which are set in the warm-up prior to one of the soccer games played by the Wolves. Each of these scenes is given a sub-title, one that evokes / suggests a focus of that particular scene. All the members of the team appear in each of these five scenes, with the exception of #14, who does not appear in Scene (Week) Six, the only scene in which the character “Soccer Mom” appears.

The sixth scene is titled “Time-Out”, and is the only scene in the play in which only one character appears. That character is #00, the team’s goal-keeper who has, throughout the play, struggles with anxiety and stress that, in “Time Out”, is released as she violently kicks at a succession of soccer balls. There is a sense that at that point in the play, the intensity of #00’s emotion is evocative of the intense emotions experienced by the other characters as well.


The Wolves: A Play