The Witch's Boy

How does Aine's father, the Bandit King, change over the course of the novel, The Witch’s Boy?


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Aine's father seems to be a good man as long as her mother is alive to motivate him. After Aine's mother dies, he falls into a deep grief that lasts until the moment Aine says their situation has become desperate. He seems to take that as permission to return to his life as a bandit. He returns to a cottage in the forest where he finds the magic pendant. From that moment, the magic changes him into a greedy, selfish man who is driven into a life of crime. He is so caught up in the power of the magic that he only wants more of everything. Though he is not really one of the good guys, some readers may be able to empathize with him. Ultimately, he gives up his life to save Aine, and that may redeem him in the eyes of some readers


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