The Wisteria Society of Lady Scoundrels

What is the main weapon of choice in the novel, The Wisteria Society of Lady Scoundrels?


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People in this universe, including Cecelia, stash knives all over their person. When Cecelia was a child and Morvath caught up to her and her mother, Cecelia pulled her knife the same way Cilla pulled her own weapon. For Ned, a knife is part of his nightly weapon arrangement. When Cecelia first wakes in her childhood home, she finds a knife that she’d stored in one of her dolls. This knife becomes her primary weapon at Northangerland Abbey. It is also a tool. When the doorknob to the house’s garden breaks, Jane, Frederick, and Ned all panic. Cecelia uses her knife to undo the lock and get them into the garden. A knife is a very personal weapon. A person who wields a knife must care for its blade, making it a weapon to which a person can become very attached. It is also a very close range weapon, therefore making it a weapon of last defense.


The Wisteria Society of Lady Scoundrels