The Wisteria Society of Lady Scoundrels

What is Queen Victoria's importance in the novel, The Wisteria Society of Lady Scoundrels?


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Queen Victoria is the queen of England at the time of this novel. She is first introduced to the novel when Constantinopla and Top break into Windsor Castle to ask for help fighting Captain Morvath. After some convincing, Queen Victoria flies the castle and part of the military to Blackdown Hills where Morvath is hidden. Despite the constant trouble from pirates, Queen Victoria respects the women of the Wisteria Society as fine ladies, and goes so far as to invite them to her Jubilee celebration. She is shown in the same light as the society members, with similar humor. During their first meeting her pirate-like tendencies are illustrated in lines like the following: “The Queen held up a spoonful of porridge with the same attitude as a pirate holding a grenade, and Constantinopla took a step back,” (176). With no prior flight training and only assisted by Constantinopla, Victoria flies the castle to the sight of battle. She functions as a foil and a co-conspirator to Miss Darlington, who she sees as an esteemed lady as well as a troublesome pirate. The two elder women work together to get Ned and Cecelia together, a plan that turns out to be a success. Prince Albert is dead, but Queen Victoria keeps images of him around, either in paintings or in busts, and often talks to them and imagines a response.


The Wisteria Society of Lady Scoundrels, BookRags