The Wisteria Society of Lady Scoundrels

What is an example of allusion in the novel, The Wisteria Society of Lady Scoundrels?


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Wuthering Heights is a symbol of connection and heritage to Cecelia. She repeatedly tries to read the book in order to understand her family’s past. Cecelia spends a lot of the book reading it or trying to acquire a copy of it. She keeps her reading of this novel a secret from Miss Darlington. She suspects Miss Darlington would disapprove and might see Cecelia’s fixation with Bronte literature as her falling down the same path as Patrick Morvath. At one point the physical book saves her from a bullet. This is humorous, and is symbolic of the destruction of the idea of Bronte heritage being important for Cecelia and her closure. Once Morvath finds out that he may be the son of Charles Darwin, Cecelia renounces Wuthering Heights. Her love of literature is not determined by her heritage but instead by herself and her own personality.


The Wisteria Society of Lady Scoundrels