The Wisteria Society of Lady Scoundrels

What do pirates represent in the novel, The Wisteria Society of Lady Scoundrels?


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Pirates are symbolic of a contradictory kind of freedom. Although pirates throughout the book do many things without repercussions, there is a certain code of honor among pirates. This goes double for the women of the Wisteria Society. Still, pirates are symbolic of freewheeling adventure. The life of a pirate is spent flying in a pre-aircraft age. Miss Darlington, a well-known scoundrel, can go to Buckingham Palace and declare that she is looking to steal another family’s fortune, and does not face any legal trouble. Likewise, Constantinopla and Tom sneak into Windsor Castle and make their way to the queen. The situation appears dire in the moment, but it ends with Constantinopla persuading Queen Victoria to help defeat Morvath. Piracy also leads to a guaranteed level of comfort. All pirates have their own house, be it a townhouse, a mansion, or a cottage.


The Wisteria Society of Lady Scoundrels