The Wisteria Society of Lady Scoundrels
How does Constantinopla change over the course of the novel, The Wisteria Society of Lady Scoundrels?
Constantinopla Brown is the granddaughter of Anne Brown, and a lifelong pirate. She is a precocious 16-year-old in love with Tom Eams, another society child. She blackmails him into marrying her. Before finding out he’s a spy, Constantinopla has a crush on Ned, who she knows as Teddy Luxe. With Tom in tow and in the dark, Constantinopla sneaks into Windsor Castle and convinces Queen Victoria to help save the Wisteria Society and fight Captain Morvath. She has several transformative experiences while with the queen, including teaching the queen to fly Windsor Castle. “Constantinopla had found herself getting her flying practicum in the grandest way possible, helping to navigate England’s literal battlehouse on a course to Blackdown Hills,” (233). In the presence of the queen, Constantinopla changes from her tomboyish fashion to more ladylike clothes. When Cecelia and Ned touch down after the battle, the two see her “running toward them, her dress a maelstrom of flounces, her massive hair bow flapping as if she was attempting personal liftoff,” (258). She still seeks validation from Ned despite knowing he’s a liar, as she is attracted to him, like most all women are in the novel, including Cecelia, Isabelle, and Queen Victoria.
The Wisteria Society of Lady Scoundrels, BookRags