The Wind-up Bird Chronicle

What is the importance of clothing and appearances in the novel, The Wind-up Bird Chronicle?


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The author pays microscopic attention to what the characters in the novel choose to wear. Every character is, to one extent or another, defined according to his/her wardrobe. For instance, Toru Okada's fashion choices speak to his unemployment and his position as a man who is more concerned with what is found inside him rather than on the outside. It is not until he joins Nutmeg and Cinnamon that his fashion landscape changes. Malta Kano's red vinyl hat becomes an unusual article of clothing only when the author describes the other articles in her outfit. The reader becomes more familiar with Kumiko's personality with each article of clothing mentioned. Her clothes reflect a love of order and simplicity. Kumiko's clothes are uncomplicated and tailored. They are well-made, carefully chosen, and Toru's wife takes diligent care of her clothes; she spends a good deal of time going to the dry cleaners.

Nutmeg Akasaka and her son Cinnamon are of particular interest considering the question of clothes in THE WIND-UP BIRD CHRONICLE. It is obvious from Toru's first meeting with Nutmeg that the woman lives and breathes fashion. Not simply fashion, however, she is passionate about style, hers and everyone else's. This passion for style is part of her personality. Nutmeg believes that everyone should dress with taste, no matter what the cost. This passion is also the motivation for Nutmeg purchasing all new clothes for Toru Okada. Nutmeg wants him to look presentable, not necessarily to the world but to her. Cinnamon's fashion perfection comes from a need to control his environment. He obviously has very distinct tastes which play out as part of his identity. Since the young man does not speak, his outward appearance literally makes a statement. Without words, sight becomes extremely important.


The Wind-up Bird Chronicle, BookRags