The Wind-up Bird Chronicle

How is Cinnamon Akasaka described in the novel, The Wind-up Bird Chronicle?


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Cinnamon, in his early twenties, is described as having beautiful features and fine hands like his mother. His wardrobe is daring and fashionable without being garish or showy. He loves order and simplicity. Everything, as far as he is concerned, should be accomplished with a minimum wasted movement and as much style and artistry possible. He has tamed his world and now life looks and feels and sounds and smells the way he wants. Cinnamon plans everything out thoroughly from the first step to the last. He has a disciplined, complex mind that he uses to protect himself and his mother from suspicion and persecution. The young man also loves fine automobiles. He currently drives a black Mercedes 500SEL with tinted windows.


The Wind-up Bird Chronicle, BookRags