The Will of the Empress

What is the main setting in the novel, The Will of the Empress?


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The Will of the Empress begins its story in the district of Summersea in Emelan. This is where Sandry and her siblings spent their childhoods and return to considering it home. Briar, Daja and Tris return to Summersea after traveling for a time only to be asked to leave again. Ambros fer Landreg sends Sandry the accounting for her holdings in Namorn, and suggests she come personally, so Sandry's Uncle Vedris asks Briar, Tris and Daja to accompany her. They leave the next morning, bound for Namorn. They spend the first few days in the Namornian city of Dancruan - the capital of the Namorn Empire. Sandry and her siblings spend some of their time at the castle, staying at the Landreg House estate in Dancruan, and then travel by horseback to Landreg Castle. When the Empress spends a few days at Sablaliz Palace, she insists that Sandry and her family join them. The Empress even takes them to Dragonstone in Namorn where she herself grew up before becoming Empress. From there, she talks them all into returning to the castle in Dancruan, but when Sandry is kidnapped for marriage right from the inside of the castle. The incident requires that Briar and Tris rescue her, and when they do, Sandry has had enough. All she wants to do is pack and return to Emelan where things are normal.


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