The White Horses of Vienna
contrast the vision of fascism in "the white horses" to that of expressionism in the leader of the people

Although not specifically mentioned by name, Nazism is a major theme in "The White Horses of Vienna." Nazism, or the doctrines followed by the Nationalist Socialist Party, was initiated by Adolf Hitler. He outlined the main elements of the Nazi program in the 1920s with his book Mein Kampf (My Struggle).
Hitler was nationalistic, anticommunist, antidemocratic, and expansionist. His nationalism derived from a major belief that Germans, or "Aryans," were a biologically superior race. He identified the Jews as Germany's racial and cultural enemy, claiming that they kept Germany from reaching its greatness. As his power grew, Hitler initiated programs to deny German Jews of any of the basic rights of citizenship. His plan for the "final solution" to the Jewish problem was their systematic extermination in concentrations camps.