The Westing Game

Tenants In and Out

List the key events in chapter 3

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Last updated by Jill W
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• Angela Wexler is being fitted for her wedding dress.

• Turtle doesn't like Dr. Deere, Angela's fiance, because she believes him to be pompous.

• Mrs. Baumbach has a limp, resulting from Turtle kicking her shin when she pulled Turtle's braid.

• Mrs. Crow gets a corn removed from her foot, and also has a bruise on her shin from Turtle's kick.

• Chris doesn't let on about seeing a real person when his brother tells him the ghost story about the mansion.

• Sydelle Pulaski also has a limp from Turtle kicking her shin.

• Most major characters are introduced, and Chris's disability, though not named, is revealed.


The Westing Game