The Wednesday Wars
I need a summary for the book called The Wednesday Wars for the chapter, April.

In "April", Holling makes the cross country team, and Mrs. Baker learns that the Marines are headed into Khesanh to find missing soldiers, like her husband. At home, Holling's sister and Mr. Hoodhood argue about political issues, as Mr. Hoodhood announces that Kowalski, Meryl Lee's father, is giving up on his business. Holling is extremely concerned, and he and Meryl Lee painfully discuss things the following day, when she notes she will likely have to move. In track, Holling continues to succeed with Mrs. Baker's continued coaching.
Holling is helping Meryl Lee with their history assignment when Martin Luther King Jr. is assassinated. The two sit with the Kowalski family in silence, holding hands as they watch the news. That night, Mr. Hoodhood keeps questioning how such a thing can happen, and Holling's sister refuses to come down for dinner. Mr. Hoodhood stays home from work to watch the funeral.
That night, Holling reminds his father that the next day is Opening Day for baseball, and that he promised to take Holling to the game. When his father hesitates, Holling even writes the note to his coach to get him out of practice, which his father signs as Holling reminds him to pick him up at noon. When noon arrives, however, Mr. Hoodhood doesn't arrive. Holling is devastated and humiliated, but Mrs. Baker, comes to his rescue and offers to take him to the game. Holling is thrilled, and arrives in time for the third inning, and even Mrs. Baker seems to have fun with Holling, Danny, Donny, and their fathers. Following the game, Pepitone and Clarke holler up and ask the boys to come onto the field. They also recognize Mrs. Baker as an Olympiad. Mrs. Baker asks to speak to the stadium manager after she hears they are looking for an architect, and Holling is driven home by Danny's parents. Spring break arrives, and Danny, Mai Thi, Meryl Lee, and Holling see one another often, and Holling's sister begins to spend time with her new boyfriend.
Following spring break, Danny and Holling are both entered into the Cross Country meet. When Holling mentions it at dinner, he and his sister argue good naturedly about it until she mentions she can't get to college fast enough. Mr. Hoodhood informs her she won't be going to college because he doesn't feel she needs to and because he wants her to be safe. She remains quiet, but Holling knows she is angry.
No one from his family attends his meet on Saturday, but Mrs. Baker, Danny's parents, and Meryl Lee and her father all arrive to cheer the boys on. Danny is up first, and takes the lead, but when the boys come out from a wooded area, Danny is lagging far behind, and his knees are bloodied. He comes in close to last. When it is Holling's turn, Danny's father comes over, and tells him Danny has sent a message, to "beat the pied ninnies". Danny's father himself tells Holling to run them into the ground. Holling begins the race, but knows if he passes the eighth graders, they will pummel him. As they reach the wooded area, however, Holling sees Mrs. Baker by the roadside, by herself. She shouts out to Holling to pass the boys, and Holling pulls ahead to win the race. His friends go wild, and Holling is kissed by Meryl Lee.