The Wedding

What challenges does Allegra face in the novel, The Wedding?


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Allegra faces a problem that many modern-day career women face: they try to be "superwomen" to keep up in a highly competitive, male-dominated workplace. Her clients, who are all rock stars, actors, and actresses, demand much of her time and energy, yet she gives them her complete attention while desperately attempting to maintain a loving, supportive relationship with Brandon, a selfish man who refuses to divorce his estranged wife and offers Allegra little comfort and support. Undoubtedly, Allegra loves both her job and Brandon, and she willingly sacrifices everything for both, but neither her clients nor her boyfriend gives up anything for her. This predicament aligns Allegra with a nineteenthcentury heroine rather than a twentiethcentury career woman, for she, in essence, allows others to treat her as a second-class citizen whose wants and needs are unimportant.


The Wedding, BookRags