The Vicomte de Bragelonne

What is the author's style in The Vicomte de Bragelonne by Alexandre Dumas?

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The point of view used in "The Vicomte de Bragelonne" by Alexandre Dumas is the third-person and omniscient perspective. This point of view works well throughout the book as there are several components and underlying factors that would not be revealed otherwise. The story itself is rather complex and only third person omniscient would allow the reader to follow and understand the activities of all of the characters as well as the dangerous and deadly events of the coup against Louis XIV, and the events that took place regarding the actions involving Charles II, and the complicated relationship between Louise, Raoul and Louis XIV. It also allows for the reader to follow and understand actions and thoughts of other characters in the book as well as those events of which one single character has no knowledge.


The Vicomte de Bragelonne, BookRags