The Vacationers

What is the author's style in the novel, The Vacationers?


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Emma Straub's writing is very interesting. It is both simple and stark, but also requires the reader's full attention. In many novels, a reader can let their mind wander for a full page and not miss anything, but this is not so with Straub. Perhaps this is because her sentences are so simple and decisive, each word is carefully placed and lends to the whole of the passage. There is no fluff. She also has a tendency to use strong words to shock the reader into paying attention, particularly when she is discussing sex. For example, when Jim is recounting his affair with Madison Vance, he uses the word "pussy," which is a strong term and could be distasteful for some readers. As a result, the reader is left with a distasteful feeling about the affair. Likewise, when Sylvia has sex with Joan, she uses very youthful terminology to discuss what they are doing because she is only eighteen. Straub's writing is definitely well-considered and effective.

