The Unfair Advantage

What is the importance of Roger Penske in the nonfiction book, The Unfair Advantage?


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Penske is a very important man throughout the book. He owns and runs Donohue's racing team. He is a great organizer; he arranges for all their funding.

He is the first man to hire Mark Donohue as a race car driver. He keeps Mark driving for just him, in part because of how much he invests in Mark. Roger Penske supplies much of the funding that makes it possible for them to build cars for the various races. Roger's people, like most specialized groups of people, have deals with other individuals and organizations that permit them to have a "special edge."

Roger is mentioned early on in the book and he keeps coming up. This is someone who only grows more important the more deeply involved with auto racing one gets.

Penske is honored throughout, by having his name written on the cars that drive for him.

