The Underneath

What is the author's style in the novel, The Underneath?


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The author is magical in the way she weaves her story back and forth between the thousand years that have passed since Grandmother was stuffed in the jar and the time that Puck is separated from his friends. She uses an idea, an emotion, or a feeling that transcends time to link together the past and present. Using these links between the past and present, the author tells the story seamlessly across a variety of points in time and a variety of characters.

Another interesting aspect of Appelt’s writing style is that there is no one phrase that would describe the way she writes. In some places, Appelt uses very short, abrupt sentences. In some places she uses very long sentences, drawing out the action and adding to the suspense. Similarly, some of Appelt’s chapters are very long and some are very short. It seems that as the novel gets closer to the end, the chapters get shorter. This gives the illusion of the action moving faster.

