The Time Traveler's Wife

How is Annette Lyn Robinson, Henry's mother, described in the novel, The Time Traveler’s Wife?


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Henry's mother, had a marvelous voice, rich and pure, incredible vocal range and could express her soul with her voice, couldn't cook, she could analyze structure and was a very emotional person, kind and a great artist, happy and made others happy, enjoyed life and rarely cried. She had lovely hands, so slender, high plucked eye brows, wide eyes, always wore makeup when going out, short, dark hair, dramatic face, full mouth, she looked Italian but was Jewish. A gifted singer, who studied with Jehan Meck, Mary Delacroix and understudied Linea Waverliegh's 'Aida.' She sang Carmen and recorded Schubert for Decca Verdi and Weill for EMI; she traveled the world with her family as she advanced in her career.

