The Things They Carried

What quotes are in the short story the things they carried by Tim O'Brien?

I have to write a 300-word essay in which i am to use 2-3 quotes from Tim O'Brien's short story, "The Things They Carried" to portray the reality of war. My essay must be built primarily around the quotes from O'Brien's story, however i couldnt find any quotes in this short story. What qoutes are in The things they carried byTim O'Brien

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“They carried the sky. The whole atmosphere, they carried it, the humidity, the monsoons, the stink of fungus and decay, all of it, they carried gravity.”

“A true war story is never moral. It does not instruct, nor encourage virtue, nor suggest models of proper human behavior, nor restrain men from doing the things men have always done. If a story seems moral, do not believe it. If at the end of a war story you feel uplifted, or if you feel that some small bit of rectitude has been salvaged from the larger waste, then you have been made the victim of a very old and terrible lie. There is no rectitude whatsoever. There is no virtue. As a first rule of thumb, therefore, you can tell a true war story by its absolute and uncompromising allegiance to obscenity and evil.”


The Things They Carried