The Tears of Autumn
Who is Alphonse Nsango from The Tears of Autumn and what is their importance?

Alphonse Nsango is a revolutionary leader in the Congo, Nsango (code name: "Spendthrift") has a degree from the Sorbonne and one of the finest political minds in Africa. He is also superstitions, fears foreigners, and speaks rapid French tinged with his own language. Before the novel opens, Paul Christopher pays a juju man to cast the spirit that Nsango believes is consuming his liver into an enemy's body. Hopes that Nsango will become Prime Minister vanish in 1961, and Nsango fades into the forest, where he is stealing weapons. At their first meeting in the novel, in LĂ©opoldville, Paul fears that Nsango is taking too many risks and discounts the Cubans who have arrived, replacing the Chinese as political advisors and recruiters.