How do Meursault’s friends and acquaintances explain his actions? What “spin” is the prosecutor able to give to their explanations, and why is it difficult to undo the damage the prosecutor has done to Meursault’s prospects for aquittal? | The Stranger Questions & Answers |

The Stranger

How do Meursault's friends and acquaintances explain his actions? What "spin" is the prosecutor able to give to their explanations, and why is it difficult to undo the damage the prosecutor has done to Meursault's prospects for aquittal?


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The defense is called next and Céleste testifies first for Meursault. He states that the crime was just a case of bad luck. He wishes he could do more for Meursault, who thinks that it is the first time he has ever wanted to kiss a man. Marie's testimony is focused most on the day she met Meursault with the prosecutor pointing out that it was the day after Maman's funeral and Meursault had swam, started a disreputable affair and gone to see a comedy in the cinema. Marie becomes upset at her words being used against her and is taken out crying. Masson declares that Meursault was an honest and decent man. Salamano pleads with everyone to understand that Meursault had simply run out things to say to Maman but no one seems to understand.

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