The Schwa Was Here
what is the problem in the story
what is the problem in the story

what is the problem in the story
'The Schwa Was Here' is the story of how a young Italian teenager called Antsy meets a boy called Calvin Schwa, nicknamed the Schwa. The Schwa is so ordinary that he gets ignored by almost everybody and is functionally invisible in a crowd. Antsy and the Schwa use this 'Schwa effect' to make money by carrying out dares, but this backfires when the Schwa sneaks into Old Man Crawley's apartment and is caught. Crawley sets them to work as his dog-walkers, and pays Antsy to be his blind granddaughter's escort. Antsy and the Schwa soon become rivals for her affection. Eventually, Antsy manages to help the Schwa by finding out the truth about his mother's disappearance. The Schwa realizes that he is not going to just disappear from lack of attention and so begins to be able to come to terms with his 'invisibility.'