Who is Anne Hutchinson? How does Hawthorne feel about her? | The Scarlet Letter Questions & Answers | BookRags.com

The Scarlet Letter

Who is Anne Hutchinson? How does Hawthorne feel about her?

Chapter 1: “The Prison Door”

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With the reference to Ann (actually Anne) Hutchinson, the prison also serves as a metaphor for the authority of the regime, which will not tolerate deviance from a prescribed set of standards, values, and morals. Hutchinson was a religious but freewheeling woman who disagreed with Puritanical teachings, and as a result she was imprisoned in Boston and then banished. She eventually was a founder of antinomian Rhode Island. Hawthorne claims that it is possible that the beautiful rosebush growing directly at the prison door sprang from her footsteps. This implies that Puritanical authoritarianism may be so rigid that it obliterates both freedom and beauty.