The Risk Pool
Who is Jenny Hall from The Risk Pool and what is their importance?

Jenny Hall is Ned's mother. When Ned is younger, she is his rock, but Jenny develops severe emotional issues and ends up in the hospital and then a nursing home for a few years. Jenny is a very pretty woman. She works for the telephone company until her psychological problems get the best of her. At the telephone company, Jenny chats with people from Arizona, New Mexico, California and other exotic, warm places (where Summer is capitalized). She inherits her father's house and is stuck in Mohawk in a low-paying job. She subscribes to Arizona Highways and dreams of travelling to warmer climates someday. Later in life, Jenny is finally able to divorce Sam, and she marries F. William Peterson, a lawyer who she really does not love. In a cruel trick of fate, they end up moving to California. He dream comes true—but it's too little, too late.