The Queen of Dirt Island

What is the primary physical setting in the novel, The Queen of Dirt Island?


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The bungalow where Saoirse lives with her grandmother, mother, and later her daughter is the novel's primary setting. When Saoirse is born, her parents are living in this newly-erected home together. After Saoirse's father dies, Eileen and Saoirse live in the house themselves. Although Nana is living at the farm with Chris, she is a constant presence at the bungalow. Later, after Chris marries Doreen, Eileen invites her to move to the bungalow with her and Saoirse.

The bungalow is the heart of Saoirse's family and story. This is not only the place where she grows up, but the place where she comes of age and later raises her own daughter. Throughout the novel, the women share this space equally, sharing their stories, sorrows, and joys.


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