The Pact

Who is James Harte from The Pact and what is their importance?

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James Harte is an eye surgeon. James grew up with severely-reserved parents and never really learned how to deal with his emotions. Marriage to Gus has helped, but when Chris is arrested, James reverts back to his old patterns. James tries to pretend that the whole situation is not taking place. When James is awarded a prize through his hospital for being listed as one of the best doctors in the country in a national magazine, he leaves out Chris in his acceptance speech. Gus takes this as disrespect toward Chris, and it puts a strain on their relationship. The fact that James does not visit Chris in jail does not help the situation. However, James eventually comes around and offers his son his full support during the trial with the exception of testifying. James refuses to testify to the fact that Emily could have gotten the gun out of his gun case herself.

