The Outsiders
The Outsiders
Who drove Ponyboy hime in Chapter 10?

Who drove Ponyboy hime in Chapter 10?
Ponyboy was driven home by a concerned man who saw him walking the streets. When the man stopped Ponyboy, he noticed that he was bleeding and confused, thus, he offered to take him home.
I must have wandered around for hours; sometimes even out into the street, getting honked at and cussed out. I might have stumbled around all night except for a man who asked me if I wanted a ride.
"Huh? Oh. Yeah, I guess so," I said. I got in. The man, who was in his midtwenties, looked at me.
"Are you all right, kid? You look like you've been in a fight."
"I have been. A rumble. I'm okay." Johnny is not dead, I told myself, and I believed it.
"Hate to tell you this, kiddo," the guy said dryly, "but you're bleedin' all over my car seats."
The Outsiders