The Orphan Master's Son
What is the narrator point of view in the novel, The Orphan Master’s Son?

There are a variety of points of view in this novel. In the first section of the novel, the story is told completely by a third person and omniscient narrator. It is in the second section of the novel that the point of view becomes varied. In some portions of the last section of the book, the story is still recounted in a third-person point of view, such as the narratives of Jun Do/Ga's time with Sun Moon.
In the sections of the novel told by the worker from Division 42, the story is told from the first-person point of view of the worker. Another difference between the first and second sections of the novel is that the first part of the novel is written in the past tense. In the second part of the novel, the sections of the novel narrated by the worker from Division 42 along with those that record the announcements over the loudspeakers are told in the present tense. Also, in the sections of the book that appear to be information transmitted over the Korean loudspeakers, this information is presented in the first person point of view in the plural tense as if the messages are being presented on behalf of the Korean leaders by the Korean leaders.