The Odyssey
What passage shows deception

What passage shows deception
One example of deception can be found when Athene disguised herself as Menes in order to get rid of the suitors.
Athene caught up a powerful spear, edged with sharp bronze, heavy, huge, thick, wherewith she beats down the battalions of fighting men, against whom she of the mighty father is angered, and descended in a flash of speed from the peaks of Olympos, and lighted in the land of Ithaka, at the doors of Odysseus at the threshold of the court, and in her hand was the bronze spear. She was disguised as a friend, leader of the Taphians, Mentes.
Another example of deceit can be found in Telemachos proclamation that his father is dead. He does this in order to deceive the suitors and keep his mother safe.
‘Eurymachos, there is no more hope of my father’s homecoming. I believe no messages any more, even should there be one, nor pay attention to any prophecy, those times my mother calls some diviner into the house and asks him questions.’
The Odyssey