The Necklace
The Necklace
Does her lifestyle compare to the lifestyle she wants

Does her lifestyle compare to the lifestyle she wants
No, Mathilde's lifestyle in her own eyes, does not compare at all to the lifestyle she believes herself entitled to. Mathilde dreams of a life of luxury... beautiful clothes, an expensive home, and equally expensive furnishings with servants to accomodate her every need.
The lifestyle Mathilde actually lives would be considered luxurious to many, but she is unappreciative. Her home and lifestlye, though modest, allow her independence. Her husband has a well paying job that affords her comfort, as well as a maid to help around the house, but these things will never match up with what she feels she deserves. Sadly, Mathilde will learn to appreciate what she had (or does she) when she and her husband replace the necklace that was lost.
The Necklace