The Murderer's Daughters
What is the main conflict in The Murderer's Daughters by Randy Susan Meyers?

The Murderer's Daughters is the debut novel by author Randy Susan Meyers. This novel centers around the main characters of Lulu and Merry Zachariah. When Lulu was ten and her sister five, their father murdered their mother in a drunken rage, leaving Merry with wounds to her chest and Lulu convinced that the entire episode was her fault. As the girls grow older, not only do they find themselves dealing with the fall out of their father's actions, but also with the abandonment of their remaining family and the dangers of an orphanage. As adults, the events of their childhood color nearly everything they do, including the way in which Lulu raises her daughters. The Murderer's Daughters is a novel that tells a story often overlooked by the fantastic newspaper headlines of our day and the aftermath of domestic violence.