The Moonstone
What is the setting of The Moonstone by Wilkie Collins?

There are various settings for the action of the novel. The story begins and ends in India with the theft and ultimate return of the Moonstone. The story of the theft of the stone and its history as it is moved around Indian is related. The remainder of the story is set in various parts of England. The Verinder country house is located in Yorkshire on the coast where there is an area of quicksand known as the Shivering Sand. This is where Rosanna committed suicide. There is a fishing village nearby called Cobb's Hole and a town called Frizinghall. Hotherstone's Farm is located near the Verinder estate.
London is also a setting for much of the book's action since most of the characters have homes there and it is where the Diamond was taken and pledged for a loan. The Strand is the area where the Indians had rented a room and searched Godfrey.
Brighton is an area where Godfrey's father lives and is where Rachel went to live briefly after her mother's death.
Doking is in Surrey and is where Sergeant Cuff retired to.