The Midnight Library
Midnight library by Matt haig
Can you tell some symbols in the novel of midnight library expect the topic chess swimming ..plz see to it as soon as possible.🙏

Can you tell some symbols in the novel of midnight library expect the topic chess swimming ..plz see to it as soon as possible.🙏
In general, chessboards are a symbol of life in the novel. Mrs Elm consistently refers to the game of chess in order to teach Nora important life lessons. For instance, Mrs Elm uses the transformation of a pawn to queen to show how often the smallest things in life are what lead us to victory. At the end of the novel, chess brings Nora and Mrs Elm together once again, showing how life tends to come full circle.
Swimming symbolizes Nora’s strained relationship with her father. As a child, Nora clung to swimming in a desperate attempt to secure her father’s love and approval. In pursuing a career as a professional swimmer in her dream-life, Nora hopes to finally please her father.
In general, fire symbolizes rebirth in the novel. Nora writes a poem called Fire in two of her dream lives; each poem discusses new, stronger beginnings. Additionally, the fire in the midnight library gives Nora the opportunity to get rid of her past regrets and to start fresh in her root-life.
Volcanoes are a symbol of destruction and life in the novel. Essentially, they represent Nora at the end of the novel, when she casts her past sorrows aside and focuses instead on beginning again. Volcanoes serve as a reminder that change does not simply happen overnight; rather, Nora will have to constantly apply the lessons of the midnight library as she embarks on this new era of existence.
Nora’s social media posts are symbolic of her desire to connect with the world. In sharing her deepest thoughts and feelings online, Nora is able to feel she is leaving her mark on the world.
Voltaire’s inevitable death symbolizes mortality in the novel. One way or another, everyone dies; there is nothing Nora, or anyone, can do to prevent this. This is something she comes to terms with by the end of the novel.
Molly is a symbol of purity in the novel. Molly’s innocence moves Nora deeply and helps Nora realize her full potential. Her virtuousness inspires Nora to live a more wholesome life.
The piano tune Nora comes up with at the end of the novel is symbolic of her fresh start. The new tune represents her new mindset and all the possibilities that are now available to her as a result of her choice to keep on living.
Guns symbolize freedom in the novel. The sight of the gun in her cabin excites Nora. To Nora, owning a gun is a sure sign of a liberating and adventurous life.
Molly’s tricycle accident in is symbolic of Nora’s love for her daughter. It signifies the first time Nora truly opens her heart to another person. Molly falling off her tricycle helps Nora come to terms with the depths of her love for her daughter; it is a love so foreign and intense that it almost frightens her.