Manual of the Warrior of Light
What is the main conflict in Manual of the Warrior of Light by Paulo Coelho?

The Warrior of the Light is an enlightening, philosophical book about a young boy's path through spiritual battle. At the beginning of the book, the boy is talking to a woman, who tells him the story of an island with a temple. The temple has many bells, and she tells him it is worth his while to go to the edge of the village and listen for them. He does as the mysterious woman tells him to do but does not hear a thing. He asks a fisherman in the village about the island, and he tells the boy there had been a temple on the island, but an earthquake made the building collapse. Even though the island is no longer visible from the village's shore, the people can sometime still hear the bells when the wind whistles through the island. The boy becomes obsessed with hearing the bells and loses interest in school, his friends, and family. People tease him for wanting so desperately to hear the bells, yet he never gives up faith that he will hear them one day.