The Looking Glass Wars

The setting of the "Looking Glass Wars" is Heart Palace in Wonderland.

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The novel begins in the fantastic world of Wonderland. Wonderland is a place of fascinating creatures, talking plants, and imagination wielding monarchs. The novel then moves to London in 1859, a world much different from Wonderland, where a young girl discovers that imagination is not something that is held in high esteem. When the novel returns to Wonderland later in the novel, it is a much different place, a dark place that is ruled by a cruel and petty queen.

The setting of this novel is a marvelous creation that the author has borrowed from a classic novel and manipulated in his own ways to create yet another unique place. The author has created a child's dream place, a world where imagination is a power that is held in the highest esteem, filled with characters that are both unique and familiar. When the novel moves to the real world, the author explores a world that existed more than a hundred years ago, a place that is well documented and also familiar, but seen through the eyes of a stranger, giving it a new twist. The author uses his settings with grace, creating two unique and exciting places that work impeccably with the plot.


The Looking Glass Wars