The Lock Artist: A Novel
What is the theme in The Lock Artist: A Novel by Steve Hamilton?

Art is another theme in the story. An important aspect of Mike's life, and thus of The Lock Artist is his artistic ability. Besides his talent at opening locks, Mike possesses a gift for drawing. After his job in Connecticut, he draws his day for Amelia, hoping the pages will find their way to her someday. No one talks to Mike during his first semester of high school, but his second semester brings art class, and his teacher, Mr. Martie, does not single him out. Mr. Martie watches Mike draw a railroad bridge in the center of town; "so began the only good and decent chapter in [his] life" (page 52). After Mike changes his schedule to take a double period of Advanced Independent Study in Art, he makes a friend, Griffin King, who thinks it is cool that Mike cannot talk. Griffin learns some sign language so they can communicate, and the other students treat Mike differently because now he is the quiet kid who can draw.