The Lion and the Jewel
Explain in detail how it maybe said that between Baroka and Lakunle, Sidi is a bait before the two.
Explain in detail how it maybe said that between baroka and lakunle sidi is a bait before the two

Explain in detail how it maybe said that between baroka and lakunle sidi is a bait before the two
"Bait" for the men, Lakunle and Baroka?
The plot of the play revolves around who Sidi will choose to marry: either the schoolteacher Lakunle or the village Bale (senior authority figure) Baroka. Sidi’s attitude to who she wishes to marry changes throughout the play. At the start, Sidi is content to marry Lakunle and only holds back from doing so because he refuses the pay the traditional bride-price which men in the village are expected to pay in order to get a wife. Sidi refuses to marry Lakunle unless he pays because she feels it will damage her reputation with the other villagers if he does not.
The characterization of Sidi undergoes a significant shift as a result of the arrival in the village of a magazine brought by the Stranger who visited the village once before and took photographs of Sidi. Whereas Sidi had not previously considered the way she looked to be important, the discovery that others believed her to be beautiful causes her to become suddenly vain and obsessed with her appearance. Sidi’s discovery of her beauty leads her to conclude that she is too good for Lakunle. Sidi’s increased status as a result of the magazine attracts the attention of Baroka who succeeds in convincing Sidi to marry him by playing to her vanity: he promises to print pictures of her face on the stamps he intends to make in the village and send out across the whole country.