The Last Temptation of Christ
What is Nazareth?

Nazareth is a critical trade center in Galilee north of Jerusalem along the Roman road. Carpentry is an important industry. Along with brick and mud houses with flat cane-lathed mud roofs, the town has a synagogue, whose walls are painted by the current aged rabbi with scenes from Ezekiel's vision of the bones of humankind being reconstituted by God at the end of time. Outside, the Romans maintain a garrison, commanded by the cruel Rufus, and nearby is the hill where frequent crucifixions are carried out.
Despite what an angel purportedly dictates to Matthew, Jesus maintains that he is born and raised in Nazareth, not Bethlehem, and that none of the elaborate nativity myths are true. His mother Mary, however, recalls incipient versions of some of the events. She cares for Joseph, who is struck by lightning and paralyzed on Mt. Carmel before their wedding. Joseph has two grown sons from a previous marriage, one of whom is the despised town crier and the other a dervish-like Pharisee who wanders around the region. Jesus has taken over Joseph's carpentry business but is so determined to keep God from making him accept Messiahship that he demeans himself by making crosses for the Romans.
After the crucifixion of a Zealot, Jesus flees Nazareth. He later returns, after realizing his destiny in the desert, but his preaching fails and the people are ready to kill him. Jesus accepts that prophets are never honored in their own town and leaves for Capernaum.