The Last Temptation of Christ
What is Capernaum?

A thriving fishing village on the western shore of the Lake Genesseret Sea of Galilee, Capernaum is home to the fishermen Peter and Andrew, sons of Jonah, and Jacob and John, sons of Zebedee, the rich man who dominates the local economy. Capernaum becomes Jesus' headquarters for a good part of the novel after he flees Nazareth to escape the reputation as a spineless Roman collaborator (making crosses) and before he goes to meet his fate in Jerusalem. Arriving with the first chill of winter, Jesus and the disciples are given woolen clothing and sleeping space by Zebedee's independent wife Salome. Throughout the winter and into the spring, cripples congregate in the yard seeking healing. Jesus eventually feels guilty for wasting time in Capernaum and sets out for Jerusalem.