The Kingdom of This World
Who is Ti Noël?

Ti Noël is a slave on M. Lenormand de Mézy's plantation in Santo Domingo. He is in charge of the horses and is an expert on judging horses. Through the course of his life, he sees many political changes, but they continually result in enslavement and suffering. Ti Noël is a follower of Macandal in his poisoning campaign against the white slave owners, and he is a follower of Bouckman in his rebellion. At the beginning of the novel, Ti Noël compares mannequin heads in a barber shop to calves' heads on display in a butcher's. He doesn't view the white slave owners as people like himself, but as something completely separate from him, and he has no compunction against harming them. During the slave rebellion under Bouckman, Ti Noël goes to rape the master's wife. He may be the one who killed her with a sickle.