The Kingdom of This World
What happens in Part 3 of "The Kingdom of This World" by Alejo Carpentier?
"The Kingdom of This World" by Alejo Carpentier

"The Kingdom of This World" by Alejo Carpentier
Part III, Chapters One and Two
• In Part Three: Chapter I, titled “The Portents,” Ti Noël, now an old man, comes back to his old home; M. Lenormand de Mézy lost him in a card game to a Cuban plantation owner and shortly afterward died in poverty.
• By saving up Christmas money given to him each year by his new owner, Ti Noël gained passage on a ship to Santo Domingo, where slavery no longer exists.
• In Part Three: Chapter II, titled “San Souci,” Ti Noël walks for several days, finding himself near the cave where Macandal hid and made his poisons; he finally locates the plantation of M. Lenormand de Mézy.
• As Ti Noël sits in the ruins of the plantation, talking to the ants, black soldiers in ornate uniforms ride by, and Ti Noël follows them; he finds himself in vast garden-like fields, where people are being forced to work under the threat of soldiers with whips.
• An elaborate palace rises up in the distance; all the trappings of aristocracy are here, but the aristocrats are black.
• Ti Noël is at Sans Souci, the palace of Henri Christophe, former chef, now the monarch ruling the land; as he watches the scene, Ti Noël is attacked by soldiers and taken prisoner.
• Despite his protests, he is set to work carrying brick after brick up a mountain to build a fortress, along with other prisoners: the elderly, women, and children.
Kingdom of the World