The Key to Midnight
Who is Herr Doktor/Rotenhausen from The Key to Midnight and what is their importance?

Dr. Rotenhausen is a German doctor who invented a method by which he could brainwash people. Rotenhausen's project is revolutionary, but his opinions are widely criticized. Rotenhausen believes that all citizens who object to their government should be brainwashed and forced to assimilate. This opinion causes a great deal of grief for Rotenhausen, and he is eventually run out of his country. Rotenhausen sets up a laboratory in St. Moritz, Switzerland, where he is backed by the Russians in exchange for his services whenever required. It is in his home in St. Moritz that Lisa Chelgrin is taken. Rotenhausen wipes Lisa's memory and creates the Joanna Rand persona to put in its place. During this process, Rotenhausen sexually abused Joanna Rand, using his mechanical hand to torment her. Later, Joanna has a recurring dream of being touched by that mechanical hand.