The Kalahari Typing School for Men
Who is The Young Apprentice from The Kalahari Typing School for Men and what is their importance?

The young apprentice is Charlie's younger brother. He works for Mr. Matekoni at the Tlokweng Road Speedy Motor. Once obsessed with women, he has now discovered religion, and he repeatedly preaches to his co-workers, even going so far as to invite them to watch him give a speech in church. At one point, he finds himself in possible trouble with his employer when a hydraulic lift fails to release a car. Thus, he prays that God will allow the car to lower itself to the ground and within seconds the air is released from the hydraulic system, returning the car to the ground. The event seems to confirm the existence of God for the young man, but his youthful lust eventually overrides his sense of religion, and he returns to his previous fascination with girls.
The Kalahari Typing School for Men