The Illearth War
What is the author's style in The Illearth War by Stephen R. Donaldson?

The story is written in the third person point of view. The main character in the story is Thomas Covenant, and while the story begins and ends with his point of view, there is a large portion of the story that is focused on Hile Troy's point of view.
The story is told in past tense and contains much exposition to explain past events. Also Thomas Covenant is often alone or thinking to himself in the story so there is no dialogue during those passages to explain what is happening. The fighting scenes in the story will also take up a great deal of print and are told from Hile Troy's point of view. Often the characters will describe how many days it has been since they left on their journey. This mention of time will be important to the reader during the story in order to understand where the two sets of characters are in relation to each other.
The Illearth War