The Heaven & Earth Grocery Store

How does Fatty Davis change over the course of the story in the novel, The Heaven & Earth Grocery Store?


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At the beginning of the novel, Fatty is eager to keep his nose out of anyone else's business, choosing instead to focus his energy on his various freelance projects and his friendship with Big Soap, a local Italian man who used to work with Fatty at one of the nearby factories. Fatty does not attend Chona's funeral and is reluctant to involve himself in the attempt to free Dodo from Pennhurst, largely because he is wary of the ways in which these actions might come back to hurt him.

As the novel continues, Fatty is slowly convinced to begin working alongside the rest of the Chicken Hill community so as to orchestrate Dodo's release. His romantic affection for an enterprising Black woman named Paper Millison causes him to set aside his trepidation both about working with the community and communicating with his long-estranged sister. Fatty ultimately manages to assist Nate in rescuing Dodo and perform an immense service for the Jewish community by reconnecting a pipe to the local shul.


The Heaven & Earth Grocery Store, BookRags