Beat to Quarters
What is the author's style in Beat to Quarters by C. S. Forester?

The novel is part of a series of novels; specifically it is chronologically the sixth novel in a series that extends to eleven volumes—however, the novel was the first-written of the series. Many of the principle characters presented in the novel, therefore, are recurring characters with backgrounds and histories re-developed in a chronologically prior novel; even so, as the first-written novel in the series there are no problematical references to prior events as might be expected.
The structure is further complicated by adherence to historical events. In broad terms, events in the novel are fictional or fictionalized events which could have occurred, or did occur, in the period of time used as the novel's setting; namely, the war between England and France during the years 1807-1808. Thus, the novel's language, technology, politics, geography, et cetera, are all based upon historically accurate representations.
Beat to Quarters