The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster
What is the author's style in The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster by Bobby Henderson?

Since this book is a parody against the inclusion of creationism in science curricula, the author (Henderson) uses language in the absurd with the underlying context of the absurdity of creationism as a science. The language is tongue-in-cheek, flippant and often sacrilegious. At the same time, there are serious messages underlying the humor, which was obviously the author's intent. As a physics graduate, Henderson is well versed in scientific theories to make his satirical approach credible as a spoof in the "scientific" papers presented. He also knows of or researched many creationist activities and events to draw parallels with humor. It is obvious he is not a fan of dogma or religious doctrine, hence his religion does not include much of these. Fictitious expert voices also appear in the book, though with the same satirical language, even if in a different point of view, so that the language and messages are consistent throughout.